In India, Ample7 offers Wireless Eye Controlled Human Machine Interface, which can be controlled using EOG Signals and gives intermediate output left, right and blink command, which will be used in combinations as a code to operate appliance or perform an action and all this to be done without using PC for processing.
Bio-based human computer interface (HCI) has the potential to enable severely disabled people to drive computers directly by bioelectricity rather than by physical means. A study on the group of persons with severe disabilities shows that many of them have the ability to control their eye movements, which could be used to develop new human computer interface systems to help them communicate with other persons or control some special instruments. Furthermore, this application of EOG-based HCI could be extended to the group of normal persons for game or other entertainments. Nowadays, some methods which attain user’s eye movements are developed.
Electro-oculography (EOG) is a new technology of placing electrodes on user’s forehead around the eyes to record eye movements. EOG is a very small electrical potential that can be detected using electrodes. Compared with the EEG, EOG signals have the characteristics as follows: the amplitude is relatively high (15-200uV), the relationship between EOG and eye movements is linear, and the waveform is easy to detect. Considering the characteristics of EOG mentioned above, EOG based HCI is becoming the hotspot of bio-based HCI research in recent years.
To enable disable persons or severely injured persons control the machines and become independent. |
Many disable persons are not able to speak so voice based systems cannot be used. |
We need some low cost system which can be assistance to disable persons. |
For more information about our Customizable Wireless Eye Controlled Human Machine Interface, please contact us soon and we will be glad to help you with the best possible Wireless Eye Controlled Human Machine Interface Solution.
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